February 21, 2011

500 ways to make money FAST!

If I were to write a book about getting rich quickly and easily my number one tip would definently be: Write a book about getting rich quick and easily. These self-help and moneymaking books are often on top of the Amazon's bestseller lists and obviously if you write one good book, you're good for the rest of your life (moneywise). But because I'm lazy and not a very good writer, I'll skip the book publishing and just give you some tips for free. These are good ways to get some MONEY:

Be a celeb - Start hanging out in places where celebs hang out (expensive nightclubs, rehab centers, etc.) and try to be seen with someone famous. If you live in the States, I recommend Charlie Sheen (through your crack dealer) or Justin Bieber (I bet he doesn't have a single heterosexual, male friend). Tabloids pay huge sums of money for gossip, etc. about these people. Besides, if you are a celebrity, bars, restaurants, etc. usually give you shit for free.

In Finland we have this "girl" named Johanna Tukiainen. She was sendind x-rated SMS to a top end politician (Minister of Foreign Relations) and she leaked it to the press. After that, she's been the most famous person in Finland and her wedding this month is very popular topic in coffee table. She's fucking hideous (check the picture below) and has no charisma, still she's trying to be a singer and dancer. Probably making good money from the tabloids.

Want to make money fast and quit your job? Become a celebrity!
J. Tukiainen - looking hot hot hot

So, good things about being/trying to be celeb:

- Easy money fast. J. Tukiainen got 10 000 euros (~13500 dollars) from tabloid for publishing those SMS's. I could live on that for 6 months, easily.
- If you have your "own" reporter that writes about you exclusively, just phone him and you can think of something crazy to do while you get pissed at local bar. In Finland we used to have this dynamic duo M. Nykänen (ex skijumper) and K. Merilä (journalist). Merilä took Nykänen to exotic places (Canary isles, etc.)
and bought him a lot of booze and Nykänen did stupid stuff. It was kind of a symbiosis and both got what they wanted: Nykänen got his booze and Merilä his story. I don't know if you have this sort of thing in the US tho, probably?

Bad things about being/trying to be celeb:

- Everybody laughs at you and think you're stupid (which you probably are). So don't do it if you bad self esteem
- You have to come up with new stuff ALL THE TIME. For example cosmetic surgery, getting into fights or sexual relations with other celebs.
- You have to hang out with idiots.

Create an international website - Good ideas done well usually make huge amounts of money. Both Youtube and Facebook were student projects. Think of a service that you would gladly use and is not yet found in the web. Even some (fashion)bloggers make crazy cash with minimum work. Expect to be poor for a fucking long time before your site starts making money, tho.

Good things:

- Low risk. Creating content is usually cheap, if not free, and the only effort you have to put into it is your own time.

Bad things:

- These sites require a lot of expertise and skill.
- Getting the readers, publicity, etc. can be tough.
- Self-sufficiency might take a looooong time. It may not happen ever.

Marry into money - This is easy for hot girls/women.

Good things:

- Money for the rest of your life

Bad things:

- Can't think of any.

Got better ideas? Write them in comments. If you want me to write about some specific stuff, also write a comment. Thanks for reading!


  1. These ideas are good, just not very realistic for the average joe... lol.

    That pic of J. Tukiainen is scary!

  2. after seeing that Social Network movie, a lot of the time i try to think of some crazy website idea that hasn't been done yet, well my space was out before facebook but Mark Zuckerburg managed to make his so much better, maybe i should find an idea thats out there already and make mine that much better lol

  3. my goals in life are to win the lottery or marry into money. :P

  4. If only good websites were that easy to make...

  5. Marry into money only for females? Pffft. :D

  6. ah, marry into money, that would be awesome. don't like the celeb idea tho, that's like selling yourself. oh wait...nvm.

  7. Oh God, that woman! Kill! Kill with fire!

  8. If your only target is the money, you are going to be very miserable, maybe rich, but miserable for sure.

  9. I'm so trying to be a celeb, hahaha! :D

  10. Good read! looks like ill be marrying someone rich.

  11. I wanna get famous, but I'm not talented or anything... !

  12. there are definitely times i wish i was girl so i can marry up

  13. Oh it's that easy... well I'll see you on the flip side when we are both rich and famous

  14. thats it i'm just gonna become famous, thanks for the info

  15. Finally...a fool proof way to become rich! I will remember this blog when I become rich and famous and shower you with money. Now Following!

  16. haha I read this article the other day that literally summed up about all the "how to be succesfull in ..x..steps" turns out there are all different books that literally vary from 1 to a 100 steps! Mostly it just enriches the author..interesting read! Following for more!

  17. I just need to marry a celebrity.

  18. Great read! i guess i have a plan for the future now xD

  19. this is probably the dumbest thing i have ever read

  20. Hell yeah, I would sell out any celeb...

  21. arr my eyes! another useful post and yes you fins are very creative it would seem ;)

  22. Bad things about marrying into money: Hating the person :p

  23. I think my life would be a lot easier if I was a hot girl.

  24. Well, since i'm studying software engineering, i think i'll go with the "Create an international website" :P

  25. Im gonnna go for be a celeb. Seems easy enough lol.

  26. Funny post man. I enjoyed it. Thanks for sharing!

  27. Easier said than done! but I enjoyed reading it, and dreaming :)

  28. Where are the other 497 ways? :P

  29. I agree with Scott, give us 497 more, nice read :)

  30. cant say for certain this has every happened in the US, then again i couldnt care less about celebrities

  31. I'm going to try that "Marry into money thing"

  32. Only 3 out of the 500 ways?
    I'd be interested on the other 497 ways that you have in mind.
