March 5, 2011

Should everyone work?

This frog has nothing do with work.
Couldn't come up with any picture ideas on this, so here's
a picture of frog.
From Black's Law Dictionary page 471 (5th ed. 1979) on work: "A person in the service of another under any contract of hire, express or implied, oral or written, where the employer has the power or right to control and direct the employee in the material details of how the work is to be performed." I don't know why that sounds fucked up to me, but it does. Here in Finland we have very good social security and people actually get paid for doing nothing. In that case your only "job" is to fill up papers and take them to different bureaucratic organizations we have here. People get paid for doing nothing and still they complain. I suppose you can call me a commie or socialist or whatever but I think the system is good. I think poor people should be helped by the rich, and if it's not voluntary then it should be involuntary (paying taxes). So, here in Finland we pay crazy taxes - some people pay over 50% of their salaries as taxes. For that we get free health care and social services.

Okay, so why should I work? I don't enjoy it and I'm not giving anything to the community. I guess I could ask this question from all the people who really don't like working - why should you? Of course I understand that some other people pay for my living, but isn't that better situation than me working and taking job from someone who actually enjoys work? There are always rotten eggs and parasites but for some reason government doesn't want to admit it. Every election year members of parliament are talking about 100% employment rate and how they're going to achieve it. Well here's a wake up call for you - you're not. Because of people like me.

I wrote about this stuff back in 2008 and got a comment from a person who supports the Zeitgeist Movement. He asked my opinion on the movement and I never answered, so I answer now: I think it's communism with a little twist (technology). It's utopia and therefore it's never going to happen. Humans are brutal, self-centered assholes and most of them will never share money or other commodities with other people. Of course it would be nice if we could live without borders and work together towards a better world, but that's not going to happen. There's my answer, hope it satisfies you.


  1. I don't know man, people work hard for their money. People study for years and years to get a degree then get a job to make money to live the life they've always wanted.
    Now you get some people who never work, who are on the doll collecting payments from centrelink every week spending it on drugs and alcohol, whose kids aren't even going to school.

    I just don't know, there are of course people who are in a bad situation beyond their control that need the financial support. But what can we do? It feels like a majority of people are ruining this for the minority.

    This is just how I feel about the Australian government anyway.

  2. Wish I had a job atm! The job market is just horrendous! Theres nothing going!

  3. A utopia certainly isn't going to ever happen. And I'm tired of people making that excuse to 'fix all the problems on Earth' before we start worrying about space exploration. There's always gonna be problems. There are always going to be the haves and the have nots. Maybe if we put some of the have nots to work on building space materials, we would be doing a hell of a lot better?

  4. I shouldn't be working at all . I have allergies to working .

  5. I think with the increase of population, there has to be a population of people who can't be put to Work. You can't take keep breeding in the billions and expect to have a 40hr job ready for every last one of them, it is unreasonable.

  6. What about that: Nobody should work but get paid. That would be nice!

  7. I kindof agree to an extent, and I think the system WOULD work well elsewhere if implemented over time, people would start studying what they enjoy rather than what pays the most. Makes for less shitty doctors and lawyers, and more of the ones who give a damn. But I still think people should do SOMETHING of work. Even if it's just messing with papers, someone has to do it.

  8. I agree with AP. Things can be fixed and all that but really, we as a species need space exploration and science and all those things that people think are a waste of money. Eventually this world is going to be used up and humans will need to go somewhere else.

  9. i for one should not work as well :)

  10. ive been looking for a part time job while im in school for a year and a half

  11. altough i'd like to never have to work and live a good life of sloth i must admit that everybody should services and state support should be only for those who cant work or already have worked their whole lives..

  12. well there's always the chance on living on an island, eating stuff you can hunt, btu as we like to sit on our sofa's and watch our led TV yeah, we need to work hahah

  13. Work is pretty much a person's decision, just like everything else in life. A lot of people choose to live a simpler life, many don't. Thank you for sharing!

  14. I know some of us are very lucky to have jobs, and I like mine..but I don't want to see myself doing this 5 days a week for the rest of my life.
    Sadly if you want food, or need money, and if you want money you have to do things for other people (work).

    I want to be self-employed one day, I'm not lazy, I don't hate working a couple of hours a day. What I hate is dealing with companies, politics, greedy, selfish people!

    Life is meant to be lived and enjoyed, why waste time dealing with negative people?

  15. Lol always self employed, man. Only way to fly.

  16. i completly disagree with the idea of welfare states, all it does is breed laziness. In the USA we have problems with people trying to game the welfare system by simply popin out more kids and getting more benefits and food stamps.

  17. I agree that the Technocracy suggested in Zeitgeist would be difficult to achieve. You may say that I'm a dreamer. But I'm not the only one. Maybe someday you can join us! lol

    I made a new set today, check it out!
    Electric Addict Set #3

  18. Nobody should work and everything should be free.
    And everyone lives happily ever after.

  19. It all depends on finding something you really enjoy (as you mentioned), but how often are all the fun jobs available?

  20. work+fun= what i would like to do
