April 18, 2011

My dream job

It's easy as ABC
Ok, so people have been asking me why I don't just quit my job and look for a better one? Actually, I already did that. Reason for not writing in a while is that I've been doing some work, designing some new web concepts and also planning my wedding. But about my job - I quit my well paying job few years back and decided to go back to study some more computer science. In Finland state pays you small amount of money per month if you study, so that you really don't need any savings for that.

I studied for one year and it was the most relaxing thing in years. I just went to courses that I was interested in and I wasn't responsible to anyone but myself. After studying a year I applied for a position at the university. Salary was very bad but work was everything I could hope for - the working hours were very flexible and I didn't have to make money for the evil stockholders and other rich people. During my studies I really learned to live with less, and even this crappy money was enough to get me enough food and drink, even luxuries.

I'm still working at Uni and I love it! Our projects are way cooler than elsewhere, we can do stuff with new technologies that aren't used anywhere else and people who work there are actually interested in their jobs. How do I know this? Well, they are very competent people and still work for crappy money. They could go to top notch jobs anytime they wanted, but they decide to stay because the work is so much fun.

So, at least to me the key to happy working was to find the right job - surprisingly it had nothing to do with money. I just had to realize that I don't have to buy a "50 plasma tv, a fast car, big house etc.


  1. great! glad to hear.
    a friend of mine does all the computer stuff for an elementary school (well 6 schools). the pay is crap, but he does it for the hollidays. 3 months a year payed vacation, thats nice.

  2. "I just had to realize that I don't have to buy a "50 plasma tv, a fast car, big house etc."
    good point i should keep this in mind instead of working my ass off everyday

  3. Yeah, the simpler things. I'm really glad you're happy even though it makes the title of this blog REALLY ironic. But congrats! :)

  4. It is really easy to fall into the mentality of the wageslave. Feeling trapped and miserable, but you keep on because your family will suffer if you don't. It takes a solid support network and some courage to break out of that mental conditioning.

  5. i have heard these type of stories every now and then. i dont know how a little incidence changes lives of people and how do meet their dream. it does not happen with me. i am really stressed. i dont know what to do. people get oppurtunities. i have not come across even one. what should i do ? :'(

  6. glad you found a job that makes you happy. extravagant material items are so overrated anyway

  7. According to that diagram I'd become a professional line waiter. gimme some money and i'll sit on my ass for you.

  8. Hard to find a job like that. Good work! Come check me out, alphabetalife.blogspot.com

  9. yeah i hear you man, can't wait for taht dream job

  10. i have to graduate highschool first before i can chase my dream job of personal trainer, but im going to make it, hopefully.
